Mike Wozniak

Founder, President & CEO

Anyone who knows me knows that I am semi-fanatical about getting my hair cut on a regular basis.  The office of my other company, SoftwareKey.com, used to be located across the street from a shopping plaza that had a barber shop.  Before Covid-19, and before the company moved to a new location, I would literally just "run over" to get my hair cut by my regular barber, and if he was busy, I could just run back to the office.

Fast forward to May 12, 2020, when I was in desperate need of a cut as businesses were slowly reopening during quarantine.  Since I was working from home, I knew that I would have to drive over to the shopping plaza, find a parking spot, and hope that my barber could fit me in, so I called to make sure they were open and ask what the wait looked like.  By the time I got there, I found myself with the dilemma of standing outside on the sidewalk (social distancing) for who knows how long until he was available, or leaving and trying again another day.  Ain't nobody got time for that! 

As I waited in the Florida heat (he's worth the wait - see the picture above), I wished there was an easier way to "get in line" and know the actual wait time since he didn't take appointments. That way, I could have made better use of my time than just standing there, messaging my assistant and driving her nuts.

The rest, as they don't say but should, "was history that is still in the making."

I love to help businesses find creative ways to use technology to maximize effectiveness, efficiency, and profitability, because we all have better things to do with our time than sit around and wait.
